Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer, UX Designer, User Centered Product Designer, User Experience Designer, Human Experience Designer, Problem Solver, Researcher, AR & VR Enthusiast, Dhaka, Bangladesh

AirQI provides real-time and forecast air pollution and weather data. Our main challenge is to design a hybrid app that provides an intuitive customize experience to its users.

Redefine the ad network experience for Advertiser & Publisher


G&R Dashboard Wireframe Design


Janurary 2021 – March 2021

My Role:

UX Research, UI/UX Design


Figma, FigJam, Notion.


Web App.

Team Collaboration:

Product, Marketing & Customer Support, and Tech.


G&R Ad Network is a platform of advertisment network. It has type of customers- advertiesers and publishers. I was requested to help G&R Product team to design a mid-fidality wireframe.


  • Design more friendly and simple user journey flow.

  • Get more efficient, functional, and scalable web app.

Design Challenge

The G&R team planned to restructure and redesign the existing platform for their customers. Our challenges was to define the user role, and to design functional, simple, intuitive, innovative, easy to use, user-friendly, and frictionless wireframes.

  • It has to be easily used by non-tech people.

  • Users can easily navigate through the web app.

  • Users with multiple role can easily switch their respective dashboard.

  • Users can easily launch campaign and track its progress.

G&R Web App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer

The UX Process

Design Thinking & Lean UX Design

It is always challenging to select an efficient, sustainable, and flexible design process when we had very limited time and resources. I had selected the approach to the Lean UX process. It is an iterative process with three simple steps.

  • Think

  • Make

  • Check

...and keep repeating the steaps.

G&R Web App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer

The Discovery

I have no ideas about the ad network industry!

It is crucial to understand the end goal from users and business perspectives. So I started seeking answers to my questions.

  • What does the product do?

  • What are the business goals?

  • Who is the audience? How they are related to it?

  • Where they live, what they think, like & do?

  • Why/How often do they use it?

  • Do there are simillar products in market? How their users are using the services?

G&R Web App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer

The Findings

We started with UX Audit in the existing system

To gain an insight, we explored the existing user journey to find the ux problems.

  • There are 2 types of user roles in the system - Advertisers and Publishers.
  • A customer can have one role in system. A customer can also have both roles if it is permited from System Admin.
  • Only the G&R authority will have the System Admin access.
  • The customers who have the both roles, It is hard and confusing for them to do all the activities of both roles. Examples - switching user role, generate and export custom reporting, getting live data and forcast, using publisher credits to launch ad in advertiser dashboard.
G&R Web App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer
G&R Web App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer

Wireframing & Prototyping

We created digital wireframes and built a low-fidelity prototype. Also, we conducted a series of sessions for usability testing.

The following steps were to sketch wireframes based on the user flow maps and built the flow and low-fidelity prototype for a series of testing sessions.

Explore the Wirefreame Screens
G&R Web App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer


User Interface Design

We invited some focus group users for testing sessions.

  • Creating wireframes helped me to visualize the ideas and gave us the basic structure for how users would use the app.
  • When creating these wireframes, we kept the user needs from the earlier findings and research in mind.
  • We have done several testing sessions with a close group of users.
G&R Web App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer

Refine & Handover

Based on the usability testing sessions, we refined and updated the Wireframes.

We created deliverables for the handover. I maintained continuous communication with the team during the development period.

  • Prepared design documentations.

  • Write user stories.

  • Maintained a close communication with the team.

  • Unit testing sessions with the demos.

G&R Web App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer

Validation & Future Iteration

It’s an one time project.

So, I don’t have the opportunity to measure the success of it.

G&R Web App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer
G&R Web App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer
G&R Web App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer
G&R Web App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer
G&R Web App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer
G&R Web App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer
G&R Web App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer

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