Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer, UX Designer, User Centered Product Designer, User Experience Designer, Human Experience Designer, Problem Solver, Researcher, AR & VR Enthusiast, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Jobike is an app-based station less bicycle-sharing services, provides an eco-friendly solution for mobility and healthy lifestyles. The users can enjoy their ride by using Jo-Credit Balance and get recharege from only the nearest JoPoints.

Redefining Jo-Credit Recharge


Jobike User App & JoPoint App


Jan 2019 - Jun 2019

My Role:

UX Research, UI/UX Design


Miro, Adobe XD, Figma, Notion.


Android App.

Team Collaboration:

Product, Marketing, Support, and Tech.


Jobike is an app-based station less bicycle-sharing services, provides an eco-friendly solution for mobility and healthy lifestyles. The users can enjoy their ride by using Jo-Credit Balance and get recharege from only the nearest JoPoints.


  • Make more efficient Online recharge process.

  • Secure the users' privacy.


  • Online recharge increased by 65%.

  • We secured the users' privacy.

Design Challenge

The existing Jo-Credit recharge process was manual. Also, the Jobike users needed to visit JoPoints physically to get their recharge. It was very unusual and a hassle for them.

Our main challenge was implementing the Online Recharge process for our users to get their Jo-Credit Balance recharge from home. Besides, the existing recharge process was creating some crucial problems.

  • JoPoints Agent uses a USSD service to recharge.

  • The current process exposes users' phone numbers and makes their privacy vulnerable.

  • Some users complained that they were receiving spam calls from unknown sources. It seems like their phone numbers are exposed from JoPoints.

Jobike App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer

The UX Process

Design Thinking & Lean UX Design

When we have minimal time and resources, selecting an efficient, sustainable, and flexible design process is always challenging. I have chosen the approach to the Lean UX process. It is an iterative process with three simple steps.

  • Think

  • Make

  • Check

... and keep repeating the steaps.

Focusing on the goals, I also pay attention to the 4 principles.

  • A collaborative culture with Lean UX: We opted for a lean approach emphasizing rapid sketching, prototyping, user feedback, and design mockups.

  • Building trust through transparency: Sharing our methods and thinking from the outset helped to build a strong client relationship.

  • Starting on the same page: Together, we identified risks and aligned on expectations, and constructed a shared vision for the app.

  • Build early test early: This helped us to define the problems in the early stage and solve them instantly.

Jobike App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer

The Discovery

The discovery phase was a quick, high‐intensity effort

The discovery phase was a quick, high‐intensity effort that allowed us to -

  • Define project goals and milestones

  • Audit the existing process faults

  • Review the existing solutions by other products

  • Understand business visions

  • Empathize the users' needs, behaviors, and pain‐points

  • Understand technological feasibility and constraints

Here are three considerations that help me to understand and prioritize the issues.

  • How satisfying is the solution for users?

  • How well is this solution for users' problem solving and also good for business?

  • How challenging would it be to build from the technical feasibilities and limitations?

Jobike App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer

The Findings

We visited our JoPoints & Jobike Users

We visited 3 JoPoints and discussed with the agents. We had discussed with the 20 Jobike users.

  • 16 Jobike users want the online recharge system. It is a hassle to visit JoPoints.

  • 14 users doubt the JoPoints are exposing their phone number, and it causes getting more spam calls.

  • All the JoPoints agents are unhappy with the USSD recharge system.

  • The JoPoint agents had complained about their account top-up and managing system. It is hard to keep records of all the transactions.

Jobike App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer

The Solutions

Thinking about the future

Thinking about the future, we wanted to create a system that is simple, easy to use, functional and scalable solution to address the problems.

  • We’ll introduce the online Jo-Credit recharge options.

  • We’ll also redesign the recharge process at Jopoints.

The online recharge process is to be implemented by using 3rd party applications. Jobike tech team uses a hybrid mobile app development platform. So it is essential to keep it into consideration while designing the solutions.

Next, I develop a flow chart of the process.

Jobike App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer
Jobike App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer
Jobike App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer

Sketchs & Wireframing

The following steps were to sketch wireframes

The following steps were to sketch wireframes based on the user flow maps.

  • Creating wireframes helped me to visualize the ideas and gave us the basic structure for how users would use the app.

  • When creating these wireframes, we kept the user needs from the earlier findings and research in mind.

Jobike App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer
Jobike App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer

Prototyping & Testing

I always built the flow and low fidelity prototype and continuously conducted a series of testing sessions

While creating the wireframes, I always built the flow and low fidelity prototype and continuously conducted a series of sessions for usability testing.

I have done several testing sessions with a close group of users.

Jobike User App

Jobike User App

JoPoint App

JoPoint App

UI Design

I always built a highly customizable design system

Before starting the UI design process, I always built a highly customizable design system to create a design language. It helps us a lot in creating user-friendly, accessible, & high-fidelity designs.

I have designed a design style guideline and reusable components.

Jobike App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer
Jobike App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer
Jobike App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer
Jobike App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer
Jobike App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer
Jobike App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer

Usability Testing

After applying UI elements to our wireframes, we created a high-fidelity prototype.

We conducted three smaller in-person usability testing sessions.

The goal was to assess the app's overall usability and identify areas for improvements that could facilitate the completion of the tasks. The participants were given the same set of jobs.

Due to the NDA issue, I've only shared the information authorized by the Jobike authority.

Refine & Deploy

We refined and updated the design & deploy for development

Based on the usability testing sessions, we refined and updated the design. Then, we created deliverables for development handover. I maintained continuous communication with the developers during the development period.

After the successful deployment, it is time to collect feedback from the user.

Jobike App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer

Results & Future Iteration

The newly developed features helped us rebuild our users' trust and make our service more efficient

After the successful deployment, we collected feedback from user interview sessions. The newly developed features helped us rebuild our users' trust and make our service more efficient. We've monitored and measured the results and within the first 6 month based on our success metrics-

  • Online recharge increased by 65%. Users don't need to visit JoPoints.

  • Although JoPoint recharge decreased, the process is now more efficient. We've secured the users' privacy.

I always prefer to follow the iterative process. And keep repeating the steps.

Jobike App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer
Jobike App Case Study by Anamoul Rouf, Product Designer

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